Our gardens, be they large or small, deeply significant places for many of us; havens of tranquillity solace and calm, especially during difficult and stressful times. Gardens are also vital havens for wildlife – indeed, the private gardens of England, alone, comprise more than 4.5 times the total area of all our national nature reserves, combined! That’s something to think about, whilst topping up the bird-feeder, No wonder so many of us delight in regular glimpses of wild visitors, from songbirds to bumblebees and butterflies – and do our best to encourage them.

Gardenography, as I call it, is the fine art of capturing on camera the unique and special beauties of private and public gardens; including, sometimes, the wildlife they help to sustain. Keen gardeners put countless hours of strenuous effort into making such places look glorious – and yet, their beauty is fleeting; constantly shifting and changing, over the years and through the seasons. All of which which makes it especially delightful to own a precious, private collection of halfway-decent garden photos!

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Do you like the look of these photos? If you’re interested in booking a photoshoot, of any kind, please check out my photography services page for prices and other details – and either send me an email, or just give me a call on 07791 19263.


Family Portraits

