If you own a business (or a charity, CIC or social club) – or if sales and marketing is part of your job – you are surely familiar with the old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. All the more so, of course, in the age of social media marketing, via platforms like twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Great images capture the eye and gain attention, far more effectively than mere words!

It’s not just about showcasing beautiful products, or places – such as the arts and crafts, food and drink, and hospitality venues featured in this gallery. Research shows that showing a good set of “meet the team” portrait photos on a company website encourages customers to make contact – because we all like to put a friendly human face to a company name.

Click on any image to enlarge into a lightbox view. You can browse back and forth, using the left and right arrow keys.


Do you like the look of these photos? If you’re interested in booking a photoshoot, of any kind, please check out my photography services page for prices and other details – and either send me an email, or just give me a call on 07791 19263.

